Enhancement of Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Modified Asphalt Concrete with Graphite Powder

Ziane Zadri, Bachir Glaoui, Othmane Abdelkhalek


A large number of additives are introduced in asphalt concrete mixtures in purpose of improving the properties of resistance, facing the increasing traffic and more severe climatic conditions. This will guarantee the good comfort for a longer exploitation time. In this article we used graphite powder as an unconventional additive, and then investigate its effect mainly on the electrical resistivity which is in context of our research work on conductive asphalt (with a resistivity around 106 Ω m), As well as on its mechanical properties evaluated using the new Fenix test that gives many information of mechanical especially dissipated energy. A significant improvement was noticed in the reduction of resistivity by reaching 1.7 × 106Ω m and also greater resistance to cracking based on variation of dissipated energy as a result we concluded that introducing graphite powder with an appropriate amount enhance both mechanical and electrical properties asphalt concrete.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-01-09

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Conductive Asphalt; Graphite Powder; Electrical Resistivity; Fenix Test; Cracking.


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DOI: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-01-09


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