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Kanplumjit, Torlap, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Songkhla 90000,
Kansoh, Rawya, Professor, Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University, Alexandria,
Kantatham, Karn, 1) Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand. 2) Center of Excellence in Innovation for Sustainable Infrastructure Development, Institute of Research and Development, Suranaree University of Technol
Kanyilmaz, Alper, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Kao, Ching-Yun, Department of Public Safety and Fire Science, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science, Tainan 71710, Taiwan.
Karaev, Alan, Centre of Financial Policy, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow,
Karakouzian, Moses, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 89154,
Karakouzian, Moses, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, 89119,
Karakouzian, Moses, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
Karakouzian, Moses, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV 89154-4015,
Karalar, Memduh, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University, Zonguldak,
Karami, Maryam, Head of Conservation Group of Rivers and Coastal Bureau of Iran Water Resources Management Company, Iran.
Karami, Mehrdad, Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 8415683111,
Karamma, Riswal, Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Gowa 92171, South Sulawesi,
Karamyan, Raffi, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Laboratory, National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Yerevan, 0009,
Karapa, Enos, Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245,
Kardan Moghaddam, Hamid, Department of Water resources research, Water research institute, Ministry of energy, Tehran, Iran.
Kardan Moghaddam, Hossein, Faculty Member of Birjand University of Technology,Birjand, Iran
Kargar Ghomesheh, Pourya, Graduate student in geotechnical engineering
Kari, Amir, Department of Civil Engineering, Qom University of Technology (QUT), Qom, Iran.
Karim, Abdulamir A., Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Basrah,
Karim, Hussein H., Professor, University of Baghdad, College of Science, Formerly University of Technology, Baghdad 10001,
Karim, Ibtisam R., Asst. Prof., Civil Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad 00964,
Karim, Ibtisam R., Civil Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad 10066,
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