Analysis of Route Choice for Pedestrian Two-Stage Crossing at a Signalized Intersection
Studying pedestrians’ twice-crossing behavior is of great significance to enhance safety and efficiency for pedestrians at signalized intersections. However, limited attention has been paid to analyze and model pedestrians’ behavior patterns of twice crossing. The purpose of this paper is to determine pedestrians' route choices for twice crossing at a signalized intersection, focusing on the waiting position (to cross the street) and walking route. A goal-oriented and time-driven model was proposed to analyze pedestrians’ twice-crossing behavior at signalized intersections, where the two directions have different pedestrian signal timing. A video-recording method was used to collect field data in order to obtain pedestrian preferences in choosing a walking route. It was found that pedestrians in the two directions present different preferences toward walking route, in waiting position, directional change and route type. The results showed that the proposed model is effective in simulating pedestrian route-choice behavior of twice crossing. This research provides a theoretical basis for identifying pedestrian movement intention, optimizing signal timing, and improving pedestrian infrastructure at signalized intersections.
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DOI: 10.28991/cej-03091200
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