An Analysis of Shoreline Changes Using Combined Multitemporal Remote Sensing and Digital Evaluation Model
Cua Dai estuary belonged to Quang Nam province is considered to be one of the localities of Vietnam having a complex erosion and accretion process. In this area, sandbars are recently observed with lots of arguments about the causes and regimes of formation. This could very likely result of not reliable source of information on shoreline evolution and a lack of historical monitoring data. Accurately identification of shoreline positions over a given period of time is a key to quantitatively and accurately assessing the beach erosion and accretion. The study is therefore to propose an innovative method of accurately shoreline positions for an analysis of coastal erosion and accretion in the Cua Dai estuary. The proposed technology of multitemporal remote sensing and digital evaluation model with tidal correction are used to analyse the changes in shoreline and estimate the rate of erosion and accretion. An empirical formula is, especially, exposed to fully interpret the shoreline evolution for multiple scales based on a limitation of satellite images during 1965 to 2018. The results show that there is a significant difference of shoreline shift between corrections and non-corrections of tidal. Erosion process tends to be recorded in the Cua Dai cape located in the Cua Dai ward, especially in the An Luong cape located in the Duy Hai commune with the length of 1050 m. Furthermore, it is observed that there is much stronger erosion in the north side compared with south side of Cua Dai estuary.
Available online: (accessed on August 15, 2019)
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Available online: (accessed on August 15, 2019).
DOI: 10.28991/cej-2020-03091448
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Copyright (c) 2020 Dao Dinh Cham, Nguyen Thai Son, Nguyen Quang Minh, Nguyen Tien Thanh, Tran Tuan Dung

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