Improved Wolf Pack Algorithm for Optimum Design of Truss Structures
In order to find a more effective method in structural optimization, an improved wolf pack optimization algorithm was proposed. In the traditional wolf pack algorithm, the problem of falling into local optimum and low precision often occurs. Therefore, the adaptive step size search and Levy's flight strategy theory were employed to overcome the premature flaw of the basic wolf pack algorithm. Firstly, the reasonable change of the adaptive step size improved the fineness of the search and effectively accelerated the convergence speed. Secondly, the search strategy of Levy's flight was adopted to expand the search scope and improved the global search ability of the algorithm. At last, to verify the performance of improved wolf pack algorithm, it was tested through simulation experiments and actual cases, and compared with other algorithms. Experiments show that the improved wolf pack algorithm has better global optimization ability. This study provides a more effective solution to structural optimization problems.
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DOI: 10.28991/cej-2020-03091557
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