A Review of Optimization Techniques Application for Building Performance Analysis

N. A. Abd Rahman, S. N. Kamaruzzaman, F. W. Akashah


Optimization techniques (OT) are tools to find the best solution during a decision making process. Each of these techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on their objectives and focus areas. Early application of OT was recorded as early as the 1930s with the introduction of the Monte Carlo Method, which is widely used in business studies. The idea was conceived due to poly-objectives, or multi-objectives, in identifying the best solution. OT theories and methods have evolved to cover various fields of study. This paper aims to provide a brief review of OT through a comparison of the pros and cons of each OT technique. The findings emphasize the suitability of each technique for different applications in various fields of study. Finally, this study aims to select the most suitable OT for building performance for energy optimization. In conclusion, the summary of findings and recommendations from Tables 2, 3, and 4 need to be combined during the process of selecting the most suitable OT. Regardless of the various categories and their multiple applications, it is the summary of characteristics of each optimization technique that determines their suitability for adoption depending on the research objectives, strength of the researcher, and availability of data. ANN is suitable for optimization for building energy performance covering energy use, energy cost and energy prediction which offer a high level of accuracy. However, it is a complex model that requires historical data input and can produce only short-term predictions. For broader optimization objectives which cover energy load, a hybrid of ANN and kNN is recommended.


Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-04-014

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Building Application; Energy Performance; Comparative Analysis; Decision Making; Energy Efficiency; Normalisation Algorithm; Optimization Techniques.


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