Oil Reservoir Permeability Estimation from Well Logging Data Using Statistical Methods (A Case Study: South Pars Oil Reservoir)
Permeability is a key parameter that affects fluids flow in reservoir and its accurate determination is a significant task. Permeability usually is measured using practical approaches such as either core analysis or well test which both are time and cost consuming. For these reasons applying well logging data in order to obtaining petrophysical properties of oil reservoir such as permeability and porosity is common. Most of petrophysical parameters generally have relationship with one of well logged data. But reservoir permeability does not show clear and meaningful correlation with any of logged data. Sonic log, density log, neutron log, resistivity log, photo electric factor log and gamma log, are the logs which effect on permeability. It is clear that all of above logs do not effect on permeability with same degree. Hence determination of which log or logs have more effect on permeability is essential task. In order to obtaining mathematical relationship between permeability and affected log data, fitting statistical nonlinear models on measured geophysical data logs as input data and measured vertical and horizontal permeability data as output, was studied. Results indicate that sonic log, density log, neutron log and resistivity log have most effect on permeability, so nonlinear relationships between these logs and permeability was done.
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DOI: 10.28991/cej-030918
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Copyright (c) 2017 Akbar Esmailzadeh, Sina Ahmadi, reza Rooki, Reza Mikaeil

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