Optimum Efficiency of PV Panel Using Genetic Algorithms to Touch Proximate Zero Energy House (NZEH)
By optimizing the efficiency of a modular simulation model of the PV module structure by genetic algorithm, under several weather conditions, as a portion of recognizing the ideal plan of a Near Zero Energy Household (NZEH), an ideal life cycle cost can be performed. The optimum design from combinations of NZEH-variable designs, are construction positioning, window-to-wall proportion, and glazing categories, which will help maximize the energy created by photovoltaic panels. Comprehensive simulation technique and modeling are utilized in the solar module I-V and for P-V output power. Both of them are constructed on the famous five-parameter model. In addition, the efficiency of the PV panel is established by the genetic algorithm under the standard test conditions (STC) and a comparison between the theoretical and experimental results is done to achieve maximum performance ranging from 0.15 to 0.16, particularly with an error of about - 0.333 for an experimental power of 30 Watts compared with the theoretical power of 30.1 Watts. The results obtained by the genetic algorithm give the best value for efficiency at the range of 16% to 17% of solar radiation, from 500–600 W/m2. These values are almost identical to the efficiency obtained from the results of the operation, where the best value for efficiency in the experimental results was seen to be 15.7%.
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DOI: 10.28991/cej-2019-03091375
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