The Effect of Soil around the Basement Walls on the Base Level of Braced Framed Tube System
According to the 2800 standard, the Iranian code of practice for seismic-resistant design of buildings, the base level refers to the level at which it is assumed that the horizontal movement of the ground is transmitted to the structure. In cases that there are reinforced concrete walls being run by an integrative structure in the underground perimeter, and the surrounding ground is dense and compressed, the base level is considered on the top of the basement wall. In tall structures, due to strong forces and moments at the foot of the structure, examining the location of base level and its movement becomes specially important. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of changing the properties of the soil around the underground perimeter walls on the base level, taking into account the effects of soil-structure interaction systems. In this regard, the soil-structure system was investigated in two-dimensional models and the location of the base level was identified using shear and drift changes. The results indicated that taking into account the level of the upper stories is possible through performing appropriate walls integrated with the structure even without Compacting the soil around the structure.
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DOI: 10.28991/cej-03091139
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